How Much Does It Cost To Clean Gutters Near Me?
July 05, 2022

If you have a rain gutter, you're probably familiar with all the steps behind proper gutter maintenance. Rain gutters are durable and versatile, but they can still suffer from clogs, mold, scratches, bumps, rust, and other external factors. Regular inspections are a must, and hiring a
rain gutter cleaning service is the best way to complete your own maintenance efforts.
Having a reliable cleaning company to help you look after your gutters is a huge source of comfort, especially if you don't have another person to assist you while you clean your gutters. Of course, homeowners should know what to expect in terms of pricing before choosing a cleaning service. If you want to learn more about the cost of gutter cleaning before scheduling an appointment, we tell you all you need to know.
Why Hire a Professional Cleaning Service?
Rain gutters should be cleaned by a professional once or twice a year, preferably in early spring and early fall. There's nothing stopping you from cleaning your gutters on your own, though. After all, the process consists of removing debris, leaves, and twigs from inside the gutter using tools that you can easily find at a hardware store (ladder, gloves, hose, a bucket, etc.). Still, this might still be too much of a hassle for a single person since you need to stand several feet off the ground while trying to reach inside the gutter. You also need to collect the dirt that ends up on your floor and yard.
With all of that said, it's no surprise that there's so much to gain from hiring a professional cleaning company. For one, your contractor will have the best equipment to simplify the job, including wide-range blowers and extension ladders to work comfortably over tall structures.
On that note, you also don't have to worry about accidents or injuries when you have a seasoned professional doing all the work. Contractors are used to working from the top of a ladder without losing precision or missing key details, so you can count on thorough results. This also means you have a skilled set of eyes looking at your gutters to catch any underlying problems.
How Much Does It Cost To Get My Gutters Cleaned?
The price of a rain gutter cleaning service can be somewhere between $75 and $400, and contractors base the final cost mainly on measuring the gutter's linear feet. We're talking in general terms, so there's obviously a big gap between these two numbers. The truth is that there are many factors that can add or take away from the standard cost. Let's look at each of them in order:
- The gutter's condition: Booking a cleaning service every year is important, but homeowners also need to do their part throughout the rest of the year as gutters remain exposed to the elements day in and day out. If you don't do routine maintenance, the gutter will start collecting dirt, particularly debris from the roof and leaves from the vegetation surrounding your home. This is even more likely if you don't have gutter guards in place.
A contractor can always raise the price if the requirements exceed a regular cleaning service. The process will take much longer when there's more dirt to get through and the inspection may also be harder to complete under those conditions. If the contractor finds areas that are loose or damaged and you want to fix them on the same appointment, the repair costs will also be added to the overall price.
- The size of the gutter: This goes hand in hand with the size of the roof, as the inspection also takes the roof's condition into account. Most residential gutters usually stay in a similar price range, but a larger gutter will cost more than average. Keep in mind that contractors usually charge between $0.50 and $1.50 per linear foot. This is also the case for wider gutters, so make sure to ask your contractor about the different costs between 5-inch and 6-inch gutters. If you own a business and your gutters are 7-8-inches wide, you may expect the cost to be above $200.
- The building's layout: The cost of gutter cleaning in a single-story house won't stray too far from the 100-dollar mark, and it may cost much less depending on how many linear feet of gutter you're dealing with (on average, a house tends to hold 150 linear feet of the gutter). Two-story and three-story buildings will have a higher cost, usually standing somewhere between $150 and $350. Two and three-story homes entail more linear feet on the gutter's length. Moreover, the added height usually calls for special safety equipment and/or additional assistance.
You don't have to look too far to find the best gutter cleaning service in South Florida. Miami Gutter Cleaning guarantees an outstanding process that leaves no part of your gutter untouched. No matter the size and layout of your guttering system, we provide thorough maintenance to make the results last longer. If you're interested, you can call
(786) 676-8259 or fill out the form at the bottom of this page, and our specialists won't keep you waiting. Miami Gutter Cleaning helps you give your gutters the best maintenance.